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Land skill 7

8 Day 514 ,04:32 在Romania发布 Romania

Tomorrow, Saturday, 18th of April, day 515, if the server will not suffer any 'time-out' for 24hours or something, we can celebrate the first citizens with SKILL 7 on Land 😃.

Please post here everyone who is land skill 7 in order to make a list

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Helping new citizens!

7 Day 514 ,00:17 在Israel发布 Israel

I want to start a campaign to help new citizens with WELLNESS.
I started to share my house with those who need it more. Those with low wellness. I'm working everyday with 100%wellness so I better balance my wellness@work to 90% and share my house

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Economy revolution.

18 Day 513 ,03:30 在Israel发布 Israel

In Israel, we are at the beginning. We should think less at the profit and more at our economy increase. I propose to decrease all the taxes, but the import taxes.
I want to start with proposing 1% Income Tax and 1% VAT for the tickets, and 50%

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Angajez la Manufacturing Q1

3 Day 512 ,12:06 在Romania发布 Romania

Doar cu wellness peste 80%. Ofer salarii bune, nu conteaza skill-ul. De la skill 2 oricine este bine primit!

Contactati-ma pentru detalii.

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5 Day 491 ,22:49 在Romania发布 Romania

cine nu a votat astazi sa ma contacteze urgent!. am nevoie de inca vreo cateva voturi (sper ca sa fiu in congress.

Contactati-ma va rog urgent

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