SH/BH Try-harder!

7 days ago Published in USA USA by Herr Nicholas

I'm resigning from my political party and my military unit. This inescapable unwritten rule is going to be the bane of this game. I'm going to continue to play, as I desire, without being hounded by eRep try-hards attempting to force my hand and compliance.

It's sad to think that someone who is just attempting to gain experience, and expend their energy, has to abide by silly quid-pro-quo Andy's. Getting messaged by a "rando" is whatever but getting messaged from the country president throwing a fit, like a petulant child, because I stole HIS "medal", is just beyond flabbergasting.

If your medals are so precious to you, attack more! Every single time I have been messaged regarding these silly medals the person doing the complaining has 100%, and often 1000%, more strength than I. Not to mention the obscene amount of medals already won. For context, I have (now) 8 SH medals, the complainer... 6000+. Make the upset make sense to me please!

In short: don't message me about you not winning something you're clearly strong enough and supplied enough to easily win. I won’t fall in line, and I won’t be complicit.
