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Rocking your world all things nerdy. A seasoned media veteran educating and entertaining the eRep world.

I want change!

18 Dia 2,510, 16:18 Publicado em USA USA Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

World Wide Whitehead W/ Josh Whitehead Mondays @ 20:00 eRep time. Listen here LIVE

I am sick and tired of hearing "vote for me for change" or "Change is what I … mais informações »

I wanna share some exciting news + free gold

29 Dia 2,505, 18:44 Publicado em USA USA Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

World Wide Whitehead W/ Josh Whitehead Mondays @ 20:00 eRep time. Listen here LIVE

Rumors have been somewhat low but been flowing into my direction and guess what? : … mais informações »

[WWW] It's me Time [Vote me] {25 comments please}

27 Dia 2,501, 19:29 Publicado em USA USA Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

World Wide Whitehead W/ Josh Whitehead Mondays @ 20:00 eRep time. Listen here LIVE

It is me time in eUSA. To finally be all I can be.
I'd like to bore you … mais informações »

World Wide Whitehead Radio is still...uh...alive and stuff (+Bonus)

3 Dia 2,498, 04:38 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

World Wide Whitehead W/ Josh Whitehead Mondays @ 20:00 eRep time. Listen here LIVE

Tis I,

This cracker looking guy Josh!

It is true that I am white. A … mais informações »

BREAKING NEWS; (update) Nickerball has passed away

34 Dia 2,497, 09:45 Publicado em South Africa South Africa Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

World Wide Whitehead W/ Josh Whitehead Mondays @ 20:00 eRep time. Listen here LIVE

We have some developing and sad news to report.

(Update 1) Its been … mais informações »