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Marketplace Time, the newspaper with the weekly reviews of the market! We post every Thursday with the weekly review of the market and every Sunday with a summary and prediction for the next week.

Our National Goals, Low Goals or High Goals?

4 Dia 851, 13:10 Publicado em USA USA

"America comes first, then the world"- JmanTizzle
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1: Our National Goals
2: Funnies
3: Questions

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Our mais informações »

Wages and How The Pay May Affect How You Live (13th Day, Mar20 05:17)

4 Dia 851, 05:18 Publicado em USA USA

Pic of the Day: Fail, very realy fail.

1: Wages and Pays
2: Funnies
3: Questions

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Wages, and how the pay may affect how you live.

People are … mais informações »

New Layout Starting Tomorrow

2 Dia 850, 19:42 Publicado em USA USA

Hello, The Daily Ooglie Booglie is changing it's layout, yes, changing it's layout. From now on here is what it will look like.

Pic of the Day: Blah Blah Blah

1: Main Article
2: Funnies
3: Question Section

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12th Day, Still Sick and on Vacation (Mar19 18:58)

1 Dia 850, 19:06 Publicado em USA USA

Pic of the Day: I don't want to hear people that annoy me.

Hello fellow citizens, I am irritated with all of the annoying people of this game. I have read some articles and the comments are very bad and/or gross. if you have noticed this

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6 Dia 847, 17:09 Publicado em USA USA

Hello fellow citizens, I have a something I have to tell you.

Can you spare 1-2 gold? I would really appreciate it. Just donate it to me. Tell me if you do and I will give you a good wage if you join my company when I get/make one and make your

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