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Marketplace Time, the newspaper with the weekly reviews of the market! We post every Thursday with the weekly review of the market and every Sunday with a summary and prediction for the next week.

What I did while I was gone

1 Dia 935, 18:31 Publicado em USA USA

I was busy with family matters and business matters. I had to do some projects for my job and work late.

I didn't take a vacation. I was doing a project in California and couldn't go onto eRepublik because I was busy.

Do you guys have

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I'm So Sorry Friends and Subscribers, Thanks Candor

3 Dia 934, 15:40 Publicado em USA USA

I'm back from the "dead". Thanks to Candor, I'm not.

I haven't been on here for a while because I went on vacation where there was no internet. So, please fill me in on how many subscribers I have lost or gained. Tell me whats

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Day 3 MORE COD6!

0 Dia 914, 05:52 Publicado em USA USA

I am like addicted to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Are you? Do you have a PSN account? If you want to play against me, fight with me, or be my friend, just PM me your PSN account name. Mine is jman1321.

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Day 1 of the Almost Daily Blog/Article

4 Dia 909, 18:42 Publicado em USA USA

Hey people, JmanTizzle here, well, today was tiring really. It was very tiring. I had a band tour around to the other schools. It was fun but tiring.

Also, today, my friend got high off of Mellow Yellow. He's kind of like a... sugar addict. So,

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Starting A New Way of Writing

2 Dia 905, 04:22 Publicado em USA USA

So, fellow people, I want/am going to change the way I write for this newspaper. I would like to talk about my day (in real life), whats going on, what I may need help on.

The first article will be tonight, probably around 20:00. Maybe later,

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