Fundo lig/desl

Maahanmuuttajaehdokas E.

14 Dia 762, 04:35 Publicado em Finland Finland

[My apologies to my English readers - this article is written only in Finnish.]

Tervehdys, arvon pelaaja toverini

On jo pitkä aika siitä kun viimeksi kirjoitin … mais informações »

Greetings of (soon) Former President

12 Dia 746, 08:59 Publicado em Singapore Singapore

Greetings, eSingapore!

There is only few hours before we will have new president and the old one, me, will step aside. Of course nothing is sure yet, but … mais informações »

Battle at Malaysia Peninsular

2 Dia 739, 14:21 Publicado em Singapore Singapore

Greetings, my fellow citizens

Yesterday (Erep day 73😎 the last shots were fired and silence fall over battlefields in Malaysia. Indonesian troops triumphed in the blood … mais informações »

Battle at Malaysia Peninsular

2 Dia 739, 14:21 Publicado em Philippines Philippines

Greetings, my fellow citizens

Yesterday (Erep day 739) the last shots were fired and silence fall over battlefields in Malaysia. Indonesian troops triumphed in the blood … mais informações »

Battle at Malaysia Peninsular

5 Dia 739, 14:20 Publicado em Australia Australia

Greetings, my fellow citizens

Yesterday (Erep day 739) the last shots were fired and silence fall over battlefields in Malaysia. Indonesian troops triumphed in the blood … mais informações »