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Tea Time With the Enemy #1: WayneKerr

34 Dia 2,481, 19:39 Publicado em Canada Canada Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Welcome to the exciting new series of interviews with enemies (Tea Time with the Enemy) and friends (Poutine with the Pals) from all over the eWorld. Today, in the first edition, I am chatting with current eUK CP and famed DC fighter [url=http://www.

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34 Dia 2,453, 07:35 Publicado em Canada Canada Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Spreading Unconditional Fun For ERepublik

Unable to endure the unbearable pains of click-clicking, a group of highly unmotivated people have suddenly been infected with a … mais informações »

[Kami Entry] Kami Carmine

10 Dia 2,447, 07:27 Publicado em Canada Canada Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Kami Carmine

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Kami is not either hue.

There once was a boy
His name was Kami Carmine
He was very weird

King of WRM factories
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The Upcoming Election.

29 Dia 2,446, 09:45 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Who doesn’t want a Pickl’d Canada?

One of Canada’s finest and hardest working individuals (excluding Tem’s twerking prowess) thedillpickl is almost unmatched in experience

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47 Dia 2,425, 14:35 Publicado em Canada Canada Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

We all have noticed the seemingly increasing divide between some of the top five parties here in Canada. Over the past several days allegations have been made, insults have been thrown and lines have been drawn. Basically, the situation we find

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