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The Examiner is eArmenia's go-to newspaper, reporting local and international news stories that cares about Armenia and the world. The Examiner is published every day and is with you 24/7 anytime you want, across eArmenia.

The Examiner is 100% owned by the Examiner Media Group. MADE IN eARMENIA!

The Labour Party's Former Party President to Run for President of eArmenia Again in Next Month's Presidential Election

1 Dia 2,891, 17:30 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's former leader, Anthony have announced that he will be running for President of eArmenia in the November presidential elections. He will take a harder and moderate stance at the current problems that our country is facing including

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The Labour Party's Party President Loses eArmenia's Presidential Elections

0 Dia 2,877, 13:11 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's Party President(Anthony) recently loses eArmenia's presidential elections yesterday citing lack of support and with negative response from the citizens of eArmenia. He have only gained 8% of the total nationwide vote and he hopes

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The Labour Party's Party President To Run for President of eArmenia

10 Dia 2,869, 15:56 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party's party president(Anthony) have decided to run as a candidate for President of eArmenia yesterday so that he and the Labour Party can reshape eArmenia like never before by expanding its economy in a new way, combating poverty,

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The Labour Party of Armenia Celebrates Victory in the Congress Elections

0 Dia 2,868, 10:34 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Labour Party of Armenia(the Examiner's parent company) have celebrated its party leader(Anthony)'s victory as a congress member yesterday. This marks the first time in months that the newest party have won a seat in the congress elections and

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The Armenia Examiner now being part of the Labour Party of Armenia

0 Dia 2,862, 16:50 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The Armenia Examiner is now being part of the Labour Party of Armenia, mixing our high-quality reporting with the party's more moderate Center ideology so that our paper can reach more people than ever before and that the party will also get the

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