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Polandball list =

Happy Third Birthday, eCountries!

33 Dia 2,149, 16:17 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Hello everyone! Today many eCountries are celebrating! It was three years ago that Belarus, Macedonia, Montenegro, ROC, Cyprus and New Zealand were all added to eRepublik. The eUK wishes all of these countries a happy birthday!


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CoT Meeting [Polandball]

47 Dia 2,147, 15:53 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

One day in CoT HQ...

But then...

So then...


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Canada's House [Polandball]

34 Dia 2,145, 16:57 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

One day, in Europe...

But suddenly...


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Attack on Argentina [Polandball]

41 Dia 2,144, 17:24 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

One day, in the Balkans...

And then...

So then...


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Happy German Unity Day!

33 Dia 2,143, 14:55 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

It was 23 years ago today, on the 3rd October 1990, that Germany finally became a unified nation again, after over fifty years of division. And that is why today is the national day of Germany. So, I'd just like to say, from the whole of eUK...


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