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[NL] Resistance War and Possible Trainings War

2 Dia 3,092, 04:13 Publicado em China China Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Dear citizens of China,

I'd like to inform you on shared interests regarding the resistance war in the Chinees region Gansu. I've shared words with your Dictator, Country

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[Info] Updates and Resource Wars Explained

0 Dia 3,089, 15:20 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Dear Citizens,

eRepublik has just announced the detail about the Updates that introduced together with the Resource Wars Event. Below you will find a copy of the information shared with us.

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Presidential candidates and the importance of the resource wars

10 Dia 3,084, 08:18 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

I'd like to express my concerns about out the importance of a capable and seasoned president next month! We will need to win extra determination tokens during a war if we want the best bonuses. This war should

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Help Alfonso Macenta Citizen of the New World! [Re-post]

4 Dia 3,080, 10:01 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Dear Citizens of the New World,

I'm writing this article in aid of a fellow citizen Alfonso Macenta. He is a citizen in the eNetherlands and is one Training Ground Upgrade

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Help Alfonso Macenta Citizen of the New World!

17 Dia 3,078, 05:10 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Dear Citizens of the New World,

I'm writing this article in aid of a fellow citizen Alfonso Macenta. He is a citizen in the eNetherlands and is one Training Ground Upgrade

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