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Abuse of power

42 Dia 1,053, 03:31 Publicado em New Zealand New Zealand

Today makes a furthur step forward for us as a proper eNation - We have our first case of abuse of power my an appointed individual or perhaps individuals!?


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Goodbye Korea!

15 Dia 1,048, 07:07 Publicado em South Korea South Korea

I have decided to finnaly end my long association with eSK and embrace the opportunities to make new friends and broaden my horizons by moving to one … mais informações »

Alliance call

1 Dia 1,040, 04:45 Publicado em South Korea South Korea

Disappointed with Japans effort yesterday and this morning?

Fortunatly there are still battles raging across the world for you to spend your weapons, food, golds and unbreakable spirit on.

Our steadfast allies in Russia currently have a [url=

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Alfagrem returns

15 Dia 1,029, 12:59 Publicado em South Korea South Korea

RL circumstances pulled me into 2-clicking for a while but I'm back and refreshed.

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Today in Japan!

8 Dia 1,013, 19:36 Publicado em Japan Japan

I haz been mostly looking for canned goods.

Weather was terriblez tho'

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