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Päivän Haiku

6 Dia 1,228, 17:00 Publicado em Finland Finland

Ympärilläni Scadensin kristallikammio
Hullaannun villiin tanssiin
Erwin vie

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Äänestä Tätä Artikkelia...

13 Dia 1,192, 14:33 Publicado em Finland Finland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Äänestäkää tätä artikkelia! Eiku tarkoitin sanoa minua!

English summary: "Vote WP Attak to Congress!" for all of you hard working outlanders helping us out here in … mais informações »

Wanha Recruiting Campaign

1 Dia 1,181, 08:07 Publicado em Finland Finland

As much as all Finns hope this is a campaign to get more players to Finland, this is actually much much more selfish campaign. On day 1200 (or somewhere around that) I will be giving a free Q3 house to one random lucky person working at Wanha-

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Viljaveroa korotettava!

27 Dia 1,147, 08:18 Publicado em Finland Finland

Hieman kaivan omaa kuoppaa ruokafirman vetäjänä mutta ihmettelen eSuomen verokäytäntöjä. Aikanaan ulkomailta eSuomeen myyvänä ne eivät paljoa liikuttaneet. Tuotteet joissa oli pienet tuontiverot toivat hyvät voitot, ja muut... noh... jopa tappiolla

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All Donates Are Always Public Information

14 Dia 1,146, 11:22 Publicado em Finland Finland

I am sure everyone knows this already, but those who do not, here is a nice tip:

Take any donate-list, and replace the user id with some other player or organization. E.g. here is Ministry of PR for Finlan😛

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