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[CP] What's Happening in the World

11 Dia 2,074, 17:28 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

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[CP]Update (Fight for Mexico!)

15 Dia 2,071, 13:43 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

This is a bit of a new one: Our MPP with Mexico has just been ratified

Mexico is a CoT nation,
with roughly 600 active players (x4 us),
fighting multiple TWO(ish) fronts.

This provides us with long overdue MPP BATTLES.
And that is … mais informações »

[CP] Midterm Report

37 Dia 2,068, 14:55 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

This term has been deceptively quiet:
Incredible weather in the RL republic has continued to keep players pretty distracted from the game.
Our NAP with UK has been maintained with little incident, we've had no homeland battles.
It's made … mais informações »

[CP] NE Baiting

15 Dia 2,056, 13:57 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

So we had some trolololz from the UK today.
Some British MU, that apparently did a little damage one time, decided to get the Ball Rolling on some anglo/Irish war!

Now some people … mais informações »

Mint Peach

16 Dia 2,046, 13:52 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

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