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Day 1252

3 Dia 1,252, 23:53 Publicado em USA USA Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

USA is about to attack Mexico.

Spain is about to attack the US.

Turkey rolls into Peloponnese.

Looks like China will finally be stopped by Iran in Hormozgan. Probably more by choice than anything, considering they can into Eastern Siberia.

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Day 1251

20 Dia 1,251, 17:23 Publicado em USA USA Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Canadians still be running amuck in the US. BLAME CANADA!!!

Turkey is still kicking a-- in Greece.

Turkey is stalled in Souther Cyprus, though, maybe they want to delay the inevitable.

Resistance forces of Greece cannot into Central Greece.

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Day 1250

14 Dia 1,250, 17:21 Publicado em USA USA Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Turkey is about to attack Greece, after five victories.

Bulgaria seems to be losing ground against FYROM in Eastern Macedonia.

Brazil strikes back at Poland in Parana and Santa Catarina.

Brazil also looks to take back NoB with their

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Day 1249

7 Dia 1,249, 18:41 Publicado em USA USA Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

After 4 solid wins, Turkey can into Macedonia.

Six wins later, China is now into Mazandaran and Golistan.

After 4 wins in Brazil, Poland is finally being stopped in Rio Grande do Sul.

Croatia looks to enact revenge by wiping Montenegro.

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Day 1248

15 Dia 1,248, 15:22 Publicado em USA USA Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Serbia is rolling through Russia, more at seven.

Turkey can into Central Greece.

Bulgaria is about to attack Macedonia. Rage on brothers, up to four regions again.

Unless something changes, Colombia will be wiped in about ten hours.

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