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Monday-Friday: An Article/Random Requests
Saturday: Weekly Power Rankings
Sunday: Around the World

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Around the World #29; Back with Shiny Maps!

18 Dia 1,905, 01:11 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!

Welcome to … mais informações »

Weekly Power Rankings #29; Saviors and Failures

9 Dia 1,901, 23:59 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Welcome to another edition of the eRepublik Power Rankings! Here are the rules; the efforts of the top five countries this week will be recognized, and the five worst … mais informações »

Random Requests #5; Random Baby Countries in Asia

16 Dia 1,899, 23:11 Publicado em Canada Canada Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

@Kamikaze Kelvin

Come to eCan first :3
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Turn the Tide

25 Dia 1,897, 12:20 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."

-Harriet Beecher Stowe

Let us remember what has happened during the last few weeks. Argentina has … mais informações »

Welcome Pocahontas!

35 Dia 1,895, 11:32 Publicado em Canada Canada Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Yeah my friend ReMiiX has decided to move to eCanada, so I wanted to welcome her 🙂

She prefers people calling her Pocahontas 😛

She has lots of experience in Congress and as the

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