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"It is to the Radicals that The Economist still likes to think of itself as belonging. The extreme centre is the paper's historical position."

The Economist is a political newspaper, with a dash of finance, a splash of philosophy and a big dollop of good old fashioned editorial diatribe.

The Economist ~ on ‘beauty’ contests

140 Ден 2,107, 09:53 Публикувана в China China Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

Dear friends,

All of here in erep are a community; A community like any other. Except that what brings us … прочети повече »

The Economist ~ Notes on the French org fiasco

68 Ден 2,100, 14:57 Публикувана в China China Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

Dear friends,

A very brief article today in support of the [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-rf-jo-grand-прочети повече »

The Economist ~ National damage goals

28 Ден 2,087, 04:19 Публикувана в China China Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

Dear friends,

Short and sweet this time. Here are the national damage goals for the competition as explained by … прочети повече »

The Economist ~ Notes on Imperium

36 Ден 2,073, 11:09 Публикувана в China China Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Dear friends,

Let me tell you a story. A couple years ago when work as manager (WAM) was first taking off and … прочети повече »

The Economist ~ A house divided: Serbia on the ropes

83 Ден 2,064, 13:41 Публикувана в China China Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Dear friends,

Today I come to you with information about the recent internal struggle in Serbia, but also with a … прочети повече »