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"It is to the Radicals that The Economist still likes to think of itself as belonging. The extreme centre is the paper's historical position."

The Economist is a political newspaper, with a dash of finance, a splash of philosophy and a big dollop of good old fashioned editorial diatribe.

The Economist ~ A very short article about maths.

32 Ден 2,221, 10:59 Публикувана в United Kingdom United Kingdom Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

Dear friends,

A few brief notes on probability:

The eight sided dice

Say you have an eight sided dice. The dice is weighted so every side has an … прочети повече »

The Economist ~ Five more years

58 Ден 2,220, 01:39 Публикувана в United Kingdom United Kingdom Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

“And so it has been and so it is written
On the doorway to paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price”

Dear friends,

прочети повече »

The Economist ~ The battle of ideas

45 Ден 2,209, 05:57 Публикувана в United Kingdom United Kingdom Социални взаимодействия и развлечения Социални взаимодействия и развлечения

Dear friends,

This is an article which uses references to UK politics, but is equally applicable and I hope interesting to all of you, regardless of country. … прочети повече »

The Economist ~ Notes on the TWO-USA NAP

72 Ден 2,205, 10:33 Публикувана в United Kingdom United Kingdom Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Dear friends,

Some months ago the USA was under total occupation by TWO after a long but ultimately successful conquest. I had several discussions with … прочети повече »

The Economist ~ Notes on Portugal and Slovenia

85 Ден 2,203, 05:50 Публикувана в United Kingdom United Kingdom Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Dear friends,

Most of you are aware that there has been tension these last few weeks between Slovenia and Spain. Spain recently went to war with Portugal, … прочети повече »