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Ministry of Finance - Day 1909

105 Ден 1,909, 00:12 Публикувана в Japan Japan Финансова дейност Финансова дейност

eJapanese Friend!s

After a long time Geezus is the MoF again.
Some are happy about this, and some are not. One thing is certain, I will take my job seriously !

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eAuction Day 1873

27 Ден 1,873, 04:30 Публикувана в Japan Japan Финансова дейност Финансова дейност


Take part in the auction and buy at discounted prices!
If you are interested in any product just write a comment on the item ID and your offer (in … прочети повече »

Weapons for Japan Day 1815

68 Ден 1,815, 23:49 Публикувана в Japan Japan Заповеди в битка Заповеди в битка

eJapanese Friends!

Unfortunately, our budget is tight, but the government still want to support the fight in Japanese RWs.

These battles are a good … прочети повече »

Admins Banned National Bank Of Japan

34 Ден 1,798, 11:39 Публикувана в Japan Japan Финансова дейност Финансова дейност

My Friends!

I'm filled with emotions. So I try to be impartial and short before I will get a permanent ban from our lords.

The fact:
National Bank of … прочети повече »

Financial Statements Day 1785

17 Ден 1,786, 00:04 Публикувана в Japan Japan Финансова дейност Финансова дейност

eJapanese Friends!

Allow me to report our financial plans.

Unfortunately, our opportunities are very limited. We have no regions and so we have any … прочети повече »