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An Official Newspaper of the eAustralian Government

[DoD] ACUK SC Elections & WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 4

3 Ден 563, 01:47 Публикувана в Australia Australia

ACUK Squad Commander Elections
ACU Koalas, on the election time, you also get to vote for who will be Squad Commanders!

Here are the candidates;
Aussie Vegeta

How to vote: Click [url=http:// … прочети повече »

[DoD] WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 3

2 Ден 559, 15:31 Публикувана в Australia Australia

WarGames Round 3, Battle 3
Australia (and 12 other countries) got an MPP with Argentina, then Chile attacked, enabling Australia and those 12 other countries to participate in any battles Chile & Argentina open. Chile will always прочети повече »

[DoD] WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 2

8 Ден 557, 21:51 Публикувана в Australia Australia

WarGames Round 3, Battle 2
Australia (and 12 other countries) got an MPP with Argentina, then Chile attacked, enabling Australia and those 12 other countries to participate in any battles Chile & Argentina open. Chile will always прочети повече »

MoD Update & WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 1

5 Ден 555, 19:30 Публикувана в Australia Australia

WarGames Round 3, Battle 1
Australia (and 12 other countries) got an MPP with Argentina, then Chile attacked, enabling Australia and those 12 other countries to participate in any battles Chile & Argentina open. Chile will always … прочети повече »

MoD Update: ACU Koalas Formed & WarGames Rnd 2 Battle 4

9 Ден 553, 18:39 Публикувана в Australia Australia

MoD Update

Foundation of the ACU Koalas
ACU Koalas, the special forces in training military unit of Australia have been born! Recently, I changed the requirement of the Dropbears to be the top 32 soldiers in … прочети повече »