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Aprendizaje del juego. Game Learning.

80s music

1 Дзень 3,783, 14:33 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA Сацыяльнае ўзаемадзеянне і забавы Сацыяльнае ўзаемадзеянне і забавы

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Quo vadis eAmerica?

2 Дзень 3,770, 17:30 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA Першыя крокі ў eRepublik Першыя крокі ў eRepublik

(This article is a rebranded, and adapted, version of an old article of mine but it is
a suitable introduction and my own declaration of principles ).

In case you didn't know, the rules of politics in this game, and in Real Life, are under the

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When idiocy meets game

18 Дзень 3,770, 05:45 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве United Kingdom United Kingdom Палітычныя дэбаты і аналіз Палітычныя дэбаты і аналіз

Every occasion is a good opportunity to display vast loads of one's idiocy, so they say.

I've been applying to get eUSA citizenship, in an otherwise dead or zombie game, but what would you expect? Bureaucracy, of the worst kind, 'paperwork' in

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Getting the eUSA citizenship

4 Дзень 3,769, 17:13 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве USA USA Першыя крокі ў eRepublik Першыя крокі ў eRepublik

I am interested in becoming part of the eUSA media. I won't mess with
politics and probably I will fight, although I am weak, I don't have
much strength. I have made the citizenship request.

Can anyone let me in ?

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Thinking about moving to the USA.

25 Дзень 3,764, 03:27 Надрукавана ў дзяржаве United Kingdom United Kingdom Першыя крокі ў eRepublik Першыя крокі ў eRepublik

Although I'm rather fond of some players here, Huey, for example, and accostumed to the weird sense of humour of others (Wayne), or even to the traditional position of abuse/power of others (Jamesw), and many others I won't mention ...
the question

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