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The official newspaper of the UK MoD.

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[MoD Day 5,810]

1 يوم 5,809, 23:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom الأوامر القتالية الأوامر القتالية

Where to Fight

Notable changes: None

Otherwise training wars are organised so WIN battles are on the right, LOSE on the left

قراءة المزيد »

[MoD Day 5,809]

0 يوم 5,809, 00:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom الأوامر القتالية الأوامر القتالية

Where to Fight

Notable changes: None

Otherwise training wars are organised so WIN battles are on the right, LOSE on the left

قراءة المزيد »

[MoD Day 5,808]

0 يوم 5,808, 00:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom الأوامر القتالية الأوامر القتالية

Where to Fight

Notable changes: None

Otherwise training wars are organised so WIN battles are on the right, LOSE on the left

قراءة المزيد »

[MoD Day 5,807]

3 يوم 5,807, 00:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom الأوامر القتالية الأوامر القتالية

Where to Fight

Notable changes: None

Otherwise training wars are organised so WIN battles are on the right, LOSE on the left

قراءة المزيد »

[MoD Day 5,806]

1 يوم 5,806, 00:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom الأوامر القتالية الأوامر القتالية

Where to Fight

Notable changes: None

Otherwise training wars are organised so WIN battles are on the right, LOSE on the left

قراءة المزيد »