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disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus

(Vote Wild Owl) This is a very sensitive subject!

20 يوم 3,272, 13:59 Published in USA USA المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية

I was talking with Wild Owl two days again and he told me.

This is a very sensitive subject
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Just the two of us

Yeah, ahum, ahum, ahum
From the … قراءة المزيد »

What was the negotiation?

17 يوم 3,271, 20:58 Published in Japan Japan المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية

What was the negotiation?
So behind the scenes we have been working hard to create favorable terms for both the eSerbs and the eJapanese. However all good faith was broken when the serbs decided to go ahead and coup us while deep in the middle of

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The Heroes of Democracy

36 يوم 3,261, 06:33 Published in Japan Japan المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية

The Heroes of Democracy
Madame Yang
Sto Kila Bazuki
Oni Shinzoku
Forgotten Crow
Kaptian Kid
Antonio Pedro
Tsumugi Kotobuki
Sterling knightt
Amaterasu Omikami

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Today we fight for Freedom

48 يوم 3,260, 10:02 Published in Japan Japan المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية المناظرات والتحليلات السياسية

The people of eJapan have been subjugated and humiliated by foreign groups for too long. In this case the Serbs have occupied govt since March of 2014. Today the remnants of eJapan have decided to take our country back from the Serbian menace. We

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(eUSA) The Official Histories May-August 2012

7 يوم 3,216, 17:12 Published in USA USA التواصل الاجتماعي والترفيه التواصل الاجتماعي والترفيه

The Official Histories May-August 2012
Hello America,
There is a lot of misinformation out there; so I will do my best to clean it up. I often hear new players ask, why is Chickensguys blacklisted? I often hear old players say, Chickensguys

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