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Thank you ! Merci ! [EN/FR]

82 811 jour, 05:24 Published in Serbia Serbia

- - - - - [ENG] - - - - -

As most you know, eFrance disappeared from the map yesterday evening, after a 3 months total war with eSpain, ePoland, and the eUSA, who finished the dirty job.

No matter how, we, eFrench players are dissapointed by

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Can you guess Who's turn it is now ?

30 801 jour, 04:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Can you guess who's turn it is now?

Bonjour !
Et à bientôt !

French troops, allies, and sympathizer, do not forget to fight in

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61 781 jour, 15:23 Published in Italy Italy

ENTENTE: Still fighting !

Dear readers, today is a special day ! As you know, France lost the battle of Burgundy, despite the effort of

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ENTENTE: Still Fighting !

63 779 jour, 14:13 Published in Ukraine Ukraine

We may have lost a few battles, but we shall not lose the war !

Let's show to the eWorld that we will keep the fighting untill we prevail !

Vote this article !

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[Chroniques Orientales] Operation Dragon Rising

38 753 jour, 21:22 Published in France France

C'est la semaine prochaine, approximativement lundi, que débutera le prochain conflit mondial généralisé en Asie.
En effet, vous vous … en savoir plus »