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eRepublik Official Summit 2012

0 Día 1,827, 03:01 Publicado en

It's been 1,826 days. During all this time, we've seen alliances form and countries conquered. We've seen unexpected wars beginning, leaders rising and falling and heroes giving their best for the welfare of their communities. We've seen the world's

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Daily tasks, hospital system, changes in media module and some free alliances

764 Día 1,057, 06:13 Publicado en

Dear citizens,

We have a lot of topics for you today, also, so... here we go...

What does this button do?

You were probably wondering what are those 3 … leer más »

Let's welcome our six new countries in the eRepublik

612 Día 1,052, 01:58 Publicado en

Dear citizens,

We have a lot of topics for you today, in the current Insider, so prepare yourself for a wall of text. Just to give you an idea, we will discuss about the new countries that entered eRepublik, the new alliance system, the military

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Happiness was removed

489 Día 1,049, 09:01 Publicado en

Dear citizens,

With a little delay, for which we want to apologize, we've managed to remove happiness. We are confident that this change will solve many problems that you've … leer más »

Military Module current status and future improvements- Downtime announcement

479 Día 1,046, 08:24 Publicado en

Dear citizens,

We want to let you know that today, Day 1048, we will remove happiness.

For this to happen we will need to put the site into maintenance for a period of 1 hour and a half, between 05.00 and 06 .30 eRepublik time.


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