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Why Hello There!

22 Day 1,216, 16:02 Published in Philippines Philippines

Remember me?

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The Current State of Sol's Wargames?

8 Day 944, 19:52 Published in Philippines Philippines

I Know Many of the players in ePhilippines and eMalaysia's cabinet are getting pestered about why we haven't had a wargame in awhile and unfortunately, it looks like we won't have one for awhile :/

For those that have been watching our

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Sol, a Defensive Pact.

9 Day 943, 08:52 Published in Thailand Thailand

A few days ago Sol held a meeting to discuss it's future, and to discuss its charter. It was a bold move to bring together players from this alliance who at times do not get along.

This was one of the first times in a LONG time I've seen Sol

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Sol Charter Re-Write v2 (eThailand)

7 Day 938, 20:40 Published in Thailand Thailand

Dear Sol Citizens and Governments,

For the past few months, there has been the question of the future of the Sol alliance, or what is left of it. Chairman's have come and gone promising reforms or sweeping changes, with much deliberation and

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Sol Charter Re-Write v2 (eChina)

6 Day 938, 20:39 Published in China China

Dear Sol Citizens and Governments,

For the past few months, there has been the question of the future of the Sol alliance, or what is left of it. Chairman's have come and gone promising reforms or sweeping changes, with much deliberation and

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