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1 Day 820, 04:32 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

we are under siege! no one will leave the country...if is necessary we will die for freedom and independence! i keep in touch whith our president and i'll pass the news in real time for all my faithfull readers! god bless Czech Republic!

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I am running for congress

2 Day 758, 05:14 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

because i want to take an active part in helping the eczech republik develop
what will i do?
well at least one of my proposals will be changing taxes, making the eczech republik more attractive for investors and create more jobs for the

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Let's ally with Romania!!!

5 Day 755, 11:52 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

An alliance with Romania could come with great benefit to the eczech wars are not enough we need to participate actively in a war.
We also need to get our backs secured by Spain or Poland.
I'm encouraging our goverment

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open old but effective way

4 Day 752, 13:46 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

we all know that the eczech republic can't fight alone with the great european powers, so we need to get strong allies to conquer slovakia
this will make our economy expand and flurish, simply by attracting new citizens and encourage the creation

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Thank you Deniz!

5 Day 751, 11:01 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

well Deniz helped me with gold to create a newspaper
In the next articles that will come up in a day or two i will write about: what can the eczech republik can do to atract players, how to stimulate the economy and what allies we should have🙂

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