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Idiot Manual to Congress

31 Day 768, 09:09 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear Czech Congress Members!
Dear all selected Congress People of the New World!

Now you are elected … read more »

Thank You Czech Voters

11 Day 766, 11:30 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear Everybody,

Merry Xmas once again.

Thank you from Svoboda Party and myself for voting for us these elections.
I want to separately thank a part of our team that tried but did not make it to the congress this time.

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When the elections winner is this obvious. Why not to tell you :) ...

21 Day 763, 06:16 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic


From the Dinosaur Veterans, to the brightest new wave players. From the active ideologists to the coolest young generation RL Czech nationals like who has just joined us we wish you a Merry Xmas!

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7 Day 761, 01:15 Published in Poland Poland

Oto mały przewodnik, w którym postaram się wytłumaczyć polskim biznesmenom dlaczego warto otworzyć interes w eCzechach (eCZ).


eCZ mają teraz najbardziej sprzyjające podatki w całym eŚwiecie.
Z możliwością handlu na całym ś

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Svobophone (For Party Members Only)

3 Day 760, 23:55 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Dear Svoboda Members,

For the sake of better communication and coordination of efforts please join the online Svoboda Skype group.

Steps. How to get Skype? (skip this if you already have it)

1. Go to Skype Website

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