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Well, This Is Unexpected....

2 Day 1,563, 18:42 Published in Canada Canada First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Why ain't I dead? Jeez, I've got a lot to learn.

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BY Gid, There's No one Left.

4 Day 1,192, 16:45 Published in Canada Canada

If I can't access my gold, then what's the point?

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Oh, Dear God! I hate the ads! Contest!

15 Day 1,085, 17:35 Published in Canada Canada

Do you you have a paper? Do you have a gold dubloon? Of course you don't, you horrible poor people. (Shame on you for being poor. Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?)

Anyhow. Ads in this New Order Erepublik are all lousey. So,

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3 Day 964, 19:46 Published in Canada Canada


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And The Winner Is....

2 Day 936, 15:45 Published in Canada Canada

Best Caption Contest Winner is....

Longbaugh! for the following:


One gold has been sent.

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