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TSP... The people's representative

0 Day 939, 14:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

You will not believe the week I just had... You do? Never mind then. Welcome to The Socialist Express, and your new editor for the month. As party president, I shall update about the party and the party’s view on the eUK and current events. I

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Champagne Socialism

28 Day 877, 07:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

It’s been a weird month in eUK politics. Lots has been going on, but we don’t have time to talk about it all in one go. So let’s focus on a big topic for discussion- the SDP, and more specifically, the man who looks to be the next head of this

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Want a real challenger?

1 Day 852, 13:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

You may have noticed over the past few weeks an increase in activity from the small parties. It's a clear message and one that is loud and getting louder each day. People are getting bored of the same old parties that control the power. They want

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What is it good for? [PMS]

6 Day 848, 14:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

WAR! What is it good for? Errr… well… Quite a lot actually.

In the real world, we have politicians who ‘strive for peace’ and all that. We’ve

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Message from Aslisk

4 Day 847, 09:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

It has been said by the other parties that the Socialist Party will never, never become great, never will we flourish. Well, firstly that sums up the attitude of our MP's and parties, one huge sack of egotistical maniacs. It appears to me that the

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