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Gartoro: On Reaching Level 14 and Congress

3 Day 675, 07:27 Published in Canada Canada

It took 19 days, but Gartoro has finally achieved the respectable 14th level.

He would like to thank all those who, both directly and indirectly, have helped make this possible, especially the notable former CPF President, Bruck.

And after

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Maybe Next Time

7 Day 671, 07:06 Published in Canada Canada

After some consideration, I have decided not to run for congress.
It has become clear to me that I do not possess the necessary experience to
represent the constituents of eAlberta. I will continue to familiarize myself with
the game and

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Octavian_F: The Failures of Jacobi

26 Day 670, 12:29 Published in Canada Canada

There is a growing disquiet among the general eCanadian public and ePoliticians alike. The reason behind this discontent? Jacobi's apparent failure to lead this country in such a manner that earns the respect and confidence of the majority of his

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Jacobi: Congress is Leaky as a Sieve.

7 Day 668, 15:00 Published in Canada Canada

When asked to respond to the accusations made against him, Jacobi was quick to reply.

"Really, honestly? Asking Congress about geopolitical decisions (that constitutionally they don't even get a voice on) is like asking a blind man what color of

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Has the Government Had Enough of Jacobi?

19 Day 668, 13:46 Published in Canada Canada

Well, at least eleven members of congress think it's time our Prime Minister stepped down and let someone else move into 24 eSussex Drive.
The motion was tabled by Tantis, who is particularly unhappy with Jacobi's performance. When asked for his

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