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Twice Glitched Out of Running: Time to Leave

3 Day 1,008, 21:43 Published in USA USA

I really liked Congress. I thought I was a good Congressman. I had a lot of fun doing it.

When I got screwed out of the last election because of a game glitch (state went to Poland, game showed I was running but then rescinded), I stuck around

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The Caste System: The Way the eUS Will Win V2

36 Day 958, 10:02 Published in USA USA

If you haven't read The Republic by Plato, pick up a copy.

The Noble Lie

In my time testing out the Beta of V2, I've come to

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Z's Congressional Run: A Platform

20 Day 943, 13:00 Published in USA USA

My fellow Americans,

I am proud to announce my candidacy for Congressman from the great state of West Virginia. I hope to use this opportunity to help move eAmerica forward in the coming tumultuous times. I want to serve as a mature voice of

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Helsinki Odyssey: A Captcha Detective Story

25 Day 939, 20:40 Published in USA USA

Tonight I volunteered to be part of the effort to get the word out that we're evacuating Karnataka in favor of our sunnier, first-world, curry-less home in California. Part of the fun of mass messaging is that you potentially run across fun combos

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Using Twitter as a Tool for National Recruitment and Retention

25 Day 936, 14:40 Published in USA USA

I promised that I'd be trying to write some other new sort of articles, and I'm hoping this one might also be helpful. It's an idea I've had for a bit that I've been looking into more recently that I think might help the eUSA recruit, and we all

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