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The news in Song!

3 Day 629, 10:58 Published in Hungary Hungary


Felt like livening up recent events, so i bring you the news....IN SONG
You can think of the tune yourself 🙂

So fortis is as good as dead
And the UK is with Peace in bed
Eden thinks its as tough as lead
all turkey want’

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The news in Song *vote and suscribe*

4 Day 629, 10:22 Published in Russia Russia


Felt like livening up recent events, so i bring you the news....IN SONG
You can think of the tune yourself 🙂

So fortis is as good as dead
And the UK is with Peace in bed
Eden thinks its as tough as lead
all turkey want’

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eRussias future: The sleeping bear

12 Day 626, 12:43 Published in Russia Russia

Issue 5: English Version
Russian version will be coming up for Russian readers.

Main article:
Along RL Russia’s turbulent history, many time's it has been referred to as the 'sleeping bear'. I now once again I use this term, only this time

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Каково различие между Мартином Блюменом и политическим деятелем?

20 Day 626, 07:41 Published in Russia Russia

Issue 4: Russian version

note to english readers: this is simply my last article in russian so don't bother with it.

Каково различие между Мартином Блюменом и политическим деятелем?

Один из них – жадный, подавляющий свободу лжец, а другой…

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Whats the difference between Mr.Blumen and a politician?

25 Day 624, 13:01 Published in Russia Russia

Issue 4:

Whats the difference between Martin Blumen and a politician?

One is a greedy, freedom suppressing lair, and the other..... is Martin Blumen.

No this isn't eRa propaganda, it is simply an assessment. The ataman of the Cossacks party

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