Ambient on/off


6 Day 672, 13:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

So, what do we stand for again?

Being a relatively new member of the game, and an even newer member of the PCP, I was a little unsure of what the PCP really stood for, and so ended up on the wiki, reading through the party constitution. I found

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The Communes

11 Day 671, 13:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Of all the many things awesome about the PCP: its friendliness, its party ethos, etc, etc, what most stands out to you? In all likelihood you were not just thinking “the communes” in answer to that question. Indeed, these go by and large unnoticed

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Economy [Scipio]

9 Day 651, 13:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

**Update - BEP have pledged their support. Many thanks to their members 🙂

Economy –

1 ~

- Our current wealth and relative success financially can be directly attributed to the accomplishments and dedication of a few people. Their … read more »

Scipio For CP :)

37 Day 650, 10:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I’ll be running this week as the PCP/RFA candidate for CP \o/

Why am I running ?

Basically because I believe that there are changes that ought to be made. While Hassan and Kumnaa have done a fantastic job in focusing our country in a … read more »

Cool story brah!! -- [TW!]

3 Day 648, 02:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Another training war thanks to our Eastern European chums.


Do your best!!

No Q1s commie lovers .. too many TWs 🙁

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