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Stepping Down as Congressman

6 Day 691, 09:18 Published in Norway Norway

Yes, that's right, after this term is finished, I am going to step down as a congresswoman. I would have liked to have been more active in the governing of Norway--although I never missed voting on an issue--but due to two reasons, I feel it's

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Thank You for Voting!

2 Day 585, 05:33 Published in Norway Norway

Thank you for voting me back into Congress for another term, but more importantly... thank you for voting, no matter who you voted for. We had a total of 113 votes cast this time around, which is a small increase from the previous elections.

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Running For Congress

1 Day 582, 13:45 Published in Norway Norway

Hello, fellow eNorweigans. I am running for Congress for a 3rd consecutive term. Although I have not been very vocal lately--sadly, RL has to come first--I have been keeping up on eNorway's boards and staying in touch with what's going on.


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Thank You for Participating in the Survey

1 Day 563, 09:23 Published in Norway Norway

The numbers for the economic survey seem to have trickled to a stop, so I would like to issue a big "thank you" to everyone who answered the survey. I will begin crunching numbers, and while the data may be a little old, I still believe it will give

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Two Former Congressmen Banned

7 Day 553, 13:24 Published in Norway Norway

Two congressmen from the last term, Kenneth Viking from the Gold Party and Euronymous from the Technocrats, were permanently banned shortly ago for the same reason: multiple accounts. Euronymous had this to say in a brief message to the Technocrats:

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