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eRepublik Rising?

65 Day 948, 12:02 Published in USA USA">

This week I’d like to do some analysis of eRepublik Rising. I won’t be telling you how it works, because there are a hundred articles (including some by the admins!) which explain … read more »

Pride Power Pakistan, the Story Behind Dioism

53 Day 934, 11:57 Published in USA USA">

Dioism in eRepublik today

Today I would like to talk about the eReligion Dioism, and its effect on … read more »

A Vision for a Brighter Tomorrow, Judean Princess for Free State

36 Day 915, 11:13 Published in South Africa South Africa">

Hi there,

I’d like to announce in this article that I will be … read more »

The Real Cost of War

61 Day 906, 09:49 Published in South Africa South Africa" width="550" height="250">

Today I have decided to comment on the changing military situation in the New World. Military activity is a popular topic of conversation in eRepublik, but … read more »

Every Little Bit Helps - Small Countries in Big Alliances

75 Day 891, 13:46 Published in USA USA" width="550" height="250">

In eRepublik there a number of military great powers, as I have discussed in the past. There are also … read more »