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More bread and guns

93 Day 935, 19:24 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

I will be giving away 10 q1 guns and to help you get your wellness up i will also share 10 loafs of q5 bread. The only thing that i'm asking from you is to vote, subscribe and leave a comment so i know who are the first 20 to read more »

Tomorrow night-free bread

16 Day 934, 18:47 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Tomorrow night i'm gonna share 10 q5 bread!
Same rules apply, first 10 who leave a comment get the bread!

Support the action!!

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Huge action i share bread

55 Day 926, 16:43 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Tomorrow night I'll share 50 q1 and 10 q5 of bread, for the first 60 who leave a comment!

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I share bread today

21 Day 926, 11:06 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Just leave a comment and the top 10 gets q5 bread,and of course just give me a signal to know that you support my action 😉! Thank you

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Absolutely free bread tonight!!!

21 Day 925, 17:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Keeping it standard, which ever first 15 people leave a comment will receive q5 bread,and whoever needs gifts will get them!


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