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Food Shortage - No longer a problem

3 Day 162, 20:58 Published in Japan Japan

Fantastic work by the Japanese government to solve the food shortage problem. It was almost an immediate response from the government when the food supply was practically at 0. Within hours (close to a day), the government linked up with several

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Is Japan better?

14 Day 160, 01:52 Published in Japan Japan

No. Besides them being more active, they face almost the same problems as what south korea used to have. Shortage of food (I need some and I can't find any) and also the lack of jobs.

The food shortage is TERRIBLE. Japan conquered some regions of

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M.s.A Party Members BANNED

0 Day 154, 03:54 Published in Japan Japan

[a url=]M.s.A - Another Suspicious Party?[/a]

There goes the members and there goes the party. Seriously, if you want to create clones, do it more professionally.

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It came sooner than expected

4 Day 154, 02:52 Published in Japan Japan

Japanese people are about to declare war with us. This was definitely expected and predicted but I doubt we ever speculated that it would be our formal ally declaring war on us. Making full use of our political unstableness and inactivity among our

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M.s.A - Another Suspicious Party

5 Day 150, 22:24 Published in Japan Japan

Here comes again, another suspicious party who wants to make use of the current political unstableness here in South Korea to their own advantage. However, this time this party is much more a clear cut fraud and most probably a party consisting of

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