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[SCC] What’s coming up (Training Programs and Fun)

0 Day 890, 09:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

SCC What’s coming up (Training Programs and Fun)

This is the second part to tell you what else we will be doing in our new version of the SCC.

Training Programs


Darkmantle and be clew will head this and basically

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[SCC] What’s coming up (Attractment programs)

1 Day 886, 03:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

[SCC] What’s coming up (Attractment programs)

We have spent a while working hard on the forums to help rebuild our fantastic council and now is the time that we can finally return with a bang!


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[SCC] Mentor Program

0 Day 838, 04:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

SCC Mentor Program

The Scottish Clan Council (SCC) is an organisation set up by the active forum community. … read more »

A little bit about your Scottish Congressmen.

0 Day 837, 03:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

So the congress elections occured quite a while ago so you know the results, but how much do you know about the people that actually won.

First of all there is Smithie

Smithie has

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[SCC] Scotland shall never fall

7 Day 809, 03:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

As you can see our mighty region has been invaded and taken over by Canadians. But Scotland shall never be truly gone and we will fight back. However at the moment, we need all of you loyal Scottish citizens to evacuate to London immediately.

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