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What Poland would do...

11 Day 807, 07:52 Published in Poland Poland

...if Hungary would attack Croatia?

Poland would give up all of his colonies in order to help Croatia 🙂

...if Hungary would attack Romania?

A couple of fanatic Polish would fight for them, but it would not be exaggerated.
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Hungarian Baby Boom? LOOOL

15 Day 805, 13:17 Published in Poland Poland

I join the discussion about you Polish, since you are the masters of baby boom!

A couple of enthusiastic amateurs took it into his head in Hungary, that does a population explosion!

They managed to get to the [url=

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Március elsején találkozunk...

14 Day 788, 10:37 Published in Hungary Hungary

Gerinces állat vagyok, úgyhogy betartom, amit ígértem:

6 hétig nyugtotok
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666 vote és 66 komment után 6 hétig abbahagyom...

142 Day 786, 05:57 Published in Hungary Hungary">"> … read more »

Kyrell, a Külügyi Közlöny lejáratója

15 Day 786, 03:00 Published in Hungary Hungary

Gyengébbek kedvéért idézek a legutóbbi Külügyi Közlönyből:

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