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Game Over

19 Day 1,331, 05:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Unfortunately, I had no access to internet in the past hours, so I couldn't work. I've been working nearly 900 days in a row, that was the last thing keeping me in eRepublik.

I haven't really been active since the rules started to change rapidly.

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Expats in Indonesa, Join My Army!

15 Day 1,202, 09:18 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

No translation this time as my target readers are foreigners living in eIndonesia.


Since nobody seemed to accept my application for any military unit, and I happened to have just 40 gold, I decided to create my own army.
I would … read more »

Anybody to challenge me in Indonesia?

78 Day 1,176, 01:12 Published in Indonesia Indonesia


Saya dua tahun 🙂 :

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Pemilu 2010 (keren bangeeet! baca!)

20 Day 1,152, 00:46 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear Saudara-saudaraku di Indonesia,

Pertama-tama,saya informasikan saya tidak mengikuti keadaan politik di dalam negeri, salah satu alasannya karena saya tidak bisa bahasa Indonesia. Walau bagaimanapun saya tetap ingin memberikan beberapa

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13 Day 1,147, 08:45 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear Manager,

In order to improve your game experience, starting with Day 1050, we will give you the opportunity to work, once per day, for all the companies that you own on your citizen account.

Isn't that great? Higher daily

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