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The last day

9 Day 134, 14:41 Published in Japan Japan

I have had a great time being your president.

It is now time for me to move on. I have school finals, and a lot of other things I would like to devote my time too (such as 3d modeling, and video game designing). It is almost time for the AP (

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Who is our ally, and who is our enemy?

20 Day 125, 19:59 Published in Japan Japan

I have gone through many talks with many people in the months I have been president. At first, it seemed Indonesia really wanted to ally with us (and for all i know, they still might) but things have changed, as i expected.

Since some of Yamato

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Companies that are needed

11 Day 119, 08:56 Published in Japan Japan

Ok, I have 2 companies that are being built from what i have talked to people about...

diaseguinte - think we are planning on a level 1 company
imgsam - I am thinking of a moving company, for war reasons, if we need tickets for longer attacking.

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Calling for a Boycott against the Indonesian food company!

10 Day 84, 00:00 Published in Japan Japan

The Indonesian food company, "PT Borneo Foods Tbk", has many times dragged down our market. He is a level 2 company, and selling lower then the lvl 1 on our market, and because he gets too much food, he thinks he can screw with our

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Bad Market Glitch!

1 Day 83, 00:00 Published in Japan Japan

Do not buy anything right now. There is a bad glitch that steals all your money and either doesn't give you the stock, or makes you buy more.

Considering the Indonesian company in our food market, if they don't higher the price of their food,

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