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[PODOLIA] Half a tank

9 Day 612, 03:26 Published in Romania Romania

Acum cateva luni functiona in Romania un program care se numea half-a-tank. Din ce imi amintesc eu, cetatenii cu skill peste 10 puneau armele, statul punea banii pentru wellness pack si, in general, se lupta bine si eficient.

Astazi am investit

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[WAR] Oppression and slavery

6 Day 602, 04:31 Published in USA USA

This is a message to all the free and open-minded citizens of the New World.

A couple of month ago, Romania was the dominating power in eRepublik. It was accused of being a nation of oppressors that spanned over almost 50 regions. It had the

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[WAR] Oppression and slavery

3 Day 602, 04:30 Published in Sweden Sweden

This is a message to all the free and open-minded citizens of the New World.

A couple of month ago, Romania was the dominating power in eRepublik. It was accused of being a nation of oppressors that spanned over almost 50 regions. It had the

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[WAR] Oppression and slavery

6 Day 602, 04:30 Published in Spain Spain

This is a message to all the free and open-minded citizens of the New World.

A couple of month ago, Romania was the dominating power in eRepublik. It was accused of being a nation of oppressors that spanned over almost 50 regions. It had the

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[WAR] Oppression and slavery

8 Day 602, 04:29 Published in Serbia Serbia

This is a message to all the free and open-minded citizens of the New World.

A couple of month ago, Romania was the dominating power in eRepublik. It was accused of being a nation of oppressors that spanned over almost 50 regions. It had the

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