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The North West Expands Again

3 Day 724, 15:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

New Russia (North West) expanded once again, just hours ago, as the last of the Scottish resistance was eliminated. In a brave show of strength, Lieutenant General Jamesw, and General Dodgy Dude (Also our Commisar for War) were themselves on the

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Want to win £10?

2 Day 713, 17:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Its simple, just signup to the">eUK Forums and post in THIS THREAD for your chance to win 10 GBP!

Good luck,
North West Council Chairman

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[NW] Your Congressmen

0 Day 706, 12:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Goku Jones, James Glover and Davott will be the North West congressman for this month!

Look forward to many great things to come from this org and the eNW Forums. more »

So, what is going on in the eNW?

1 Day 665, 08:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Now, what I would like to see is... booming activity, contests, discussions and all of that. Now how great would that be?. But unfortunately thats not whats happening. And you want to know the reason?

>>>Your not actively posting in our

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Your North West Candidates

2 Day 643, 07:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

United Kingdom Reform Party:

Davott - Active, Presentation, Current North West Congressman

Benneh_Lyons - Unknown, No Presentation

The Unity Party:

Nicolae Carpathia - Experienced, Presentation, … read more »