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Media Vault

37 Day 817, 07:28 Published in Romania Romania

In urma cu 8 luni, cand s-au introdus ads-urile in eRepublik, respectiv goldul din partide putea fi folosit la ceva, Sebahmah si-a propus un proiect care sa deserveasca

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Top 10 epic fails in erepublik history

250 Day 679, 07:22 Published in Romania Romania

Erepublik witnessed many epic fails during the past months. And if there was one thing we could learn from what happened in the past is that fail is universal. There is no big country that did not experience epic fail, so in this article I will

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Ce se mai intampla in jur

24 Day 679, 02:14 Published in Romania Romania

To my international subscribers: This is an article intended for the Romanians only. Thanks for your understanding.

Voi fi foarte concis de data aceasta, nu doresc sa intru in polemici, oricum cred ca multi si-au exprimat parerile despre situatia

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[EN/RO] Active population data

13 Day 676, 08:23 Published in Romania Romania

In this article I will try to present you some data regarding the real active population of each country, and the population dynamics. Since I think that the population data tool is not relevant (because of the dead and inactive people), I thought

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85 Day 651, 04:07 Published in Romania Romania

Sebahmah temporarily suspende😛

Zoli temporarily suspende😛 http://www.

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