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How can you fight against Greek imperialism?

11 Day 1,065, 15:56 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia
Flag of the People's Liberation Army of Macedonia (Sorry, it's an .svg picture, so I can only put it here as a link.)


I know it's too late to … read more »

Just an avatar...

15 Day 1,064, 09:50 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia

Hi Macedonians!

My friend, Gregus(Thanks for him) made this avatar:

If you want, wear it. You can download it here:


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Már az ókori Görögben is? Even in the ancient Greece?:S

14 Day 1,058, 09:12 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia

Diogenész, a cinikus filozófus, mikor egy kopasz ember szidalmazta ot, így válaszolt: "Én nem szidlak téged, távol legyen tolem. Ellenkezoleg, dicsérem - a hajadat, amiért elhagyta gonosz fejedet."

A bald man insulted Diogenes the Cynic and … read more »

Comrades, unite!

26 Day 1,055, 12:00 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic


I heard that the comrades in the Czech republic are fighting each other, instead of building the eCommunism togerher! The Czech communists are divided into two parts. And you're arguing about authority and companies! I ask to stop it,

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Haaretz ünnepi kiadás! x2

4 Day 1,045, 10:53 Published in Hungary Hungary

Tisztelt hölgyeim és uraim, kedves barátaim! A Haaretz c. lapnak végre 250 előfizetője van! Még egyszer mondom a Haaretznek 250 előfizetője van!


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