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Clarification & Conclusion

16 Day 1,032, 16:12 Published in Ireland Ireland

Yesterday I came home, checked my email, Facebook, and then eRep account. The first thing I saw was the new insider, talking about the new changes to eRep.

A bit of history... I loved v1. Then rising came around and although I didn't like some

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This is it, this is the last straw.

27 Day 1,031, 16:41 Published in Ireland Ireland

Note: I've updated my current position in this article here.

This game is dying, the community is dying. Not a day goes by without a well known player quitting, and now

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[MoINFO] Important Information [ALL CITIZENS READ]

20 Day 1,023, 17:09 Published in Ireland Ireland

Citizens of Ireland,

We have come under an attack, not only in the form of the comprimise of several government organizations, but imposters of important Ministries.

The current circulating [url=

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Ministry of Information & New Citizenry: A New Month Ahead of Us

9 Day 1,021, 13:32 Published in Ireland Ireland

Citizens of Ireland,

I am pleased to announce that I will be working with Eldarion Sionnodel as co-Ministers of the combined Ministries of Information and New Citizens, which I will be calling the Ministry of Information & New Citizenry. I haven'

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[Dáil Éireann] Minimum Wage Change

2 Day 1,015, 15:12 Published in Ireland Ireland

Welcome to the second piece in a series of coverage of the Dáil Éireann. Today we look at the controversial topic of the minimum wage. For several months after the start of v2, the minimum wage was .25 IEP/Hour. However as our economy deterioated

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