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Shqiptare, Gjaku therret!!!

28 Day 1,683, 03:25 Published in Albania Albania Battle orders Battle orders

Pershendetje te dashur bashkeatdhetare,
E mora nismen ta shkruaj kete artikull nisur nga lufta e fundit e shtetit tone.
Ne radhe te pare do te doja tju falenderoja te gjitheve qe bete te mundur duke kontribuar qofte edhe sado pak endrren

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Tribute to Croatia from Albanians

11 Day 1,678, 07:24 Published in Albania Albania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear Croatia,
I was very touched when I saw your banderolas for Kosova and Albania in Europian 2012. For this reason i feel i should thank you for all what you are doing for albanians in this game and in reality. This article is a

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Cameria Soldierboy per KONGRES!!!

5 Day 1,675, 13:42 Published in Albania Albania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Ne radhe te pare ju falenderoj te gjithe juve qe jeni duke e lexuar kete artikull. Fillimisht dua tju bej me dije se une kam filluar ta luaj kete loje ne ditet e para te krijimit te shtetit shqiptar.

1.Kam sherbyer ne graden e kapitenit ne

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