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Liaoning, distrust, etc. [CN]

60 Day 928, 10:08 Published in China China


作为大使,我常常被问到:「e俄罗斯可以协助e中国收回辽宁吗?」 而正如各位所知,这个问题是很难有實質的回答。


这代表e俄罗斯现在可以协助e中国收回辽宁吗? 当然不能。
这很容易回答 - 因为辽宁现在仍是在e塞尔维亚的手中,而显然她是我们最亲密的盟友。

事实上,e塞尔维亚是唯一一个当e俄罗斯有重大困难的时候,会用尽一切力量协助我们的 电子国家。历史上,RL 俄罗斯和塞尔维亚有很多

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Hello, eChina! --- 您好e中国 !

36 Day 907, 05:27 Published in China China

Good evening, people of eChina!

Today you have an official person, who will periodically post different articles about eRussia.
And of course, you can troll this person, if you wish 🙂

First of all, I would like to introduce … read more »

Sleeping tiger.

21 Day 819, 01:44 Published in China China

Here comes another dirty biased article. But before I unleash the massive shameless avalanche of Phoenix propaganda without a sincere word of truth as usual (/sarcasm off) I want to congratulate you with the New Year (/slowpoke on). Though we are

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Diary of Russian-Chinese war. By eRussian Intelligence officer.

12 Day 816, 10:56 Published in China China

The following text is the translation of a report by sunbeliever, eRussian Chief of Intelligence. Although it is directed to the people of eRussia, I believe eChina can find this

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Let slip the dogs of war

14 Day 813, 05:07 Published in China China

Last night, eRussian President has signed up the order to attack the regions of Liaoning and Xinjang. That wasn't an easy decision, but that was dictated by the … read more »