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My last will and testament

21 Day 692, 09:07 Published in Ireland Ireland

For university and work reasons, I have decided to commit eSuicide. The following document entails how my funds will be distributed.

I was not a rich citizen. I preferred to spend my funds on fighting rather than homemaking 🙂 I possessed at my

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New Jersey falls

10 Day 639, 05:40 Published in Ireland Ireland

New Jersey has fallen into Russian hands. I was there. I saw it happen. I saw their tanks demolish the biggest wall I have ever seen.

I am announcing the official end to the existence of the USA Irish Brigade.

But what does this mean for us in

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An ending and a beginning

4 Day 637, 09:13 Published in Ireland Ireland

World War III is over. The USA has surrendered.

Thankyou everyone in the USA Irish Brigade. You came over to fight for a cause. We were defeated but the struggle was not in vain. Our efforts on the battlefield will be remembered. I'm sure you

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4 Day 634, 13:00 Published in Ireland Ireland


I have a few short announcments to make. The first being the resignation from the brigade of CO george heisman. george was the founder of the USA Irish Brigade and I would like to publicly thank him for the time and effort he put into his

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USA Irish Regiment Stuff

6 Day 627, 16:11 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello eWorld,
sorry I haven't written in a while but I've been RL busy. As you know, I'm in charge of the USA Irish Regiments. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have fought with me.

I asked you to come with me across the

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