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Donut On Tour - Stop Three, eIndia

19 Day 785, 05:36 Published in India India

Dear Regular Readers and eIndians,

For those of you that don't know my name is Donut, though my citizen account is einberliner, and I am currently traveling the eGlobe in the hopes of learning more about all the various cultures, peoples and

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Donut on Tour - Reflections on eSK

22 Day 783, 10:00 Published in South Korea South Korea

So I've been in eSouth Korea for about ten days now and really, I couldn't have picked a more interesting time to arrive. I point out that while I've done research and talked to some people the information I'm about to share is from my outsider's

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Donut on Tour - Stop Two, South Korea

29 Day 774, 09:03 Published in South Korea South Korea

Dear all (and a warm welcome to anyone reading this in South Korea),

It's been a little while since I updated this newspaper and that's thanks almost exclusively to the existance of the month of December, which is perpetually manic in my RL life.

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Time to Say Goodbye

10 Day 744, 03:17 Published in Sweden Sweden

So the time has come for me to, with reluctance, move my org on from eSweden. I'd gladly stay here another long while but that would defeat the purpose of this being my 'on tour' org.

I'd like to thank everyone in Sweden for being so warm and

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Hello eSweden - Second Edition

11 Day 736, 05:35 Published in Sweden Sweden

So I've been here in eSweden (via my org) for about a fortnight now and I've been keeping up with your articles and the like, doing my best to learn all about the place. I have to say I chose a very interesting time, arriving here just as PEACE

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